Getting the right haircut can be extremely difficult. You sit down in the salon chair, and the stylist asks you what you want, but your answer seems to get lost in communication. You say you’re only looking for a few inches off the ends, then the next thing you know you’re walking out with a pixie cut.
It’s surprising how often this happens, although the stylists aren’t always the one to blame for a hilarious haircut. Occasionally, people decide they’re just as skilled as them at cutting hair, so they take the job into their own hands. It often produces some interesting results, the likes of which we don’t think we’ve ever seen before.
[post_page_title]Business in the front[/post_page_title]
It’s been quite a while since we’ve seen the mullet make an appearance. The hairstyle was everywhere in the ‘70s and ‘80s, but then it disappeared into a pile of hair on the salon floor. Luckily, this woman seems to be bringing the look back.

Although it was mostly men that rocked the mullet back in the day, this person is showing that anyone can have business in the front and a party in the back.