Actors whose friendships with co-stars ended because of on-set feuds

[post_page_title]Winona Ryder and Gwyneth Paltrow[/post_page_title]

Winona and Gwyneth were basically the hippest A-listers of the 1990s, and fittingly they were also best friends. They even dated the equally hip best buddies Matt Damon and Ben Affleck at the same time. But their friendship ended when Gwyneth allegedly stole the lead in Shakespeare In Love.

Winona Ryder and Gwyneth Paltrow

She apparently saw the script at Winona’s house, and knew Winona had been offered to audition for the role – but Gwyneth beat her to it, and went on to win an Oscar. Unsurprisingly, Winona was not happy for her “friend”.

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