[post_page_title]Hitting the road[/post_page_title]
It turned out that Andrew had another passion in his heart fuelled by his love of cars. However, it wasn’t just any vehicle that had caught his eye over the years; Andrew dreamed of one day owning his very own Ford Mustang. This car has been the goal of many over the years, and Andrew’s dad, John, wanted to see his son driving his dream Mustang.

John approached Andrew with a deal to help cover the cost of the car as he knew how his son’s tuition would take most of his savings. Sadly, Andrew still wouldn’t have enough. That was until the student returned home and went into the family’s garage. There it was: his very own Mustang. Andrew’s parents wanted to show their son how much they cared and gifted him the car as a farewell present before he headed off to college.