Celebrities are mostly known for being rich beyond imagination and buying things we could only ever dream of. Some of them stay that way throughout their careers, but these celebrities have not fared so well. Whether they spent their fortune on the most ridiculous things, made poor financial choices, or just didn’t manage to keep their careers going – these stars can no longer afford to live like Hollywood royalty.
[post_page_title]Nicolas Cage[/post_page_title]
At one point, it felt like National Treasure star Nicolas Cage was appearing in every movie under the sun. However, his over-the-top spending on things such as exotic animals, a Gulfstream jet, and his own private island, landed the actor in a bit of a financial pickle – not to mention, he owed $14 million in back taxes to the IRS.

To add to his burdens, in 2009 he was faced with a lawsuit of $13 million by his ex-wife and then was sued by a real estate company for failing to pay back millions in loans that same year. So, if it seems like he is starring in every single upcoming movie, it could be because he is trying to save up some money to pay back his debt!