Fame and fortune generally come at the cost of privacy, something that’s caused a lot of issues for celebrities over the years. To try and keep themselves out of the spotlight during their downtime, many stars will do whatever it takes to remain hidden. That means covering themselves up in the most bizarre ways possible.
[post_page_title]Gwyneth Paltrow is the bag lady[/post_page_title]
The old bag-over-the-face trick is hardly anything new in the celebrity world. Plenty of stars have done it before when it’s the only thing they’ve had to hand. However, for Gwyneth Paltrow, it appears to be her go-to method for hiding from the paparazzi.

Even if she looks a bit strange holding such a massive bag up to her face, she doesn’t care. As long as it saves her from the paparazzi, she’s happy.