[post_page_title]Too much bleach[/post_page_title]
Jessica would admit herself that she was an excessive bleacher of her hair, but after having dyed her hair to extreme blonde for years, no problems had ever risen before! She decided to give the salon a third try, but this was going to turn into something she would badly regret. After sitting for hours in the chair, Jessica was once again disappointed with the results. The color wasn’t what she requested and to make matters worse, the hairdresser had even got bleach on her clothes!

Jessica was in a bit of predicament – she could either leave her hair as it is, or get it dyed further. She knew using bleach was a risky method of hair dying, especially if you did it too often, but her hair was not how she wanted it! She asked the salon to fix the problem once again, but much to Jessica’s anger, they were not up for the risky task.