Jimmy Fallon asks people for ‘I got caught’ moments and they are peak awkward

[post_page_title]Sorry, not sorry[/post_page_title]

Just like human siblings, our pets can sometimes be bullies and get on each other’s nerves. It seems this pug has a habit of pulling the cat off the bed by yanking the blanket that it’s lying on.


Um who tried to pull the kitty off the bed mommy? #igotcaught #sorrynotsorry pic.twitter.com/NEc0xUmj8J

— Teddy Puggers (@teddy_pug) June 12, 2019


Teddy Puggers thought he was getting away with it all this time, until he was caught red-handed by his humans. Although his adorable frowning face says “I’m sorry,” we have a sneaking suspicion that he’s not sorry in the least.

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