WD-40 has a surprising number of uses, which range from cleaning stains to preventing rust. If you don’t have a can of this in your house, you might want to consider investing in one. That’s what this group of teenagers did, although they had a specific idea in mind when they bought it from the store. The boys wanted to test whether or not WD-40 could be used as engine oil, and they were amazed by the results they found.
[post_page_title]A trip to the store[/post_page_title]
What can’t you find at Home Depot? That store has everything you need to make a house a home, from kitchen appliances and living room furniture to power tools and flooring.

If Home Depot doesn’t have it, there’s a good chance it doesn’t exist. A group of teenagers knew that well enough, but when they made a trip to the store, they were certain that what they were after was in stock. The thing is they weren’t planning on using it for its intended purpose. They had other ideas in mind.