People who got sweet payback against drivers who parked unlawfully

People who got sweet payback against drivers who parked unlawfully

It seems like parking would be an easy enough thing to get right, but clearly that’s not the case. No matter how many years of driving a person has under their belt, there’s no guarantee that they won’t park like an absolute buffoon – and sometimes they pay the consequences.

[post_page_title]Fire why-drant[/post_page_title]

Even if you didn’t know that it’s actually illegal to park in front of a hydrant, we like to think you’d nonetheless understand why you shouldn’t do so, and avoid it anyway.

Fire why-drant

This grade-A driver never seemed to get the memo, parking right in front of a hydrant and blocking firefighters from accessing it – so what did they do? Smashed their windows in and stuck the hose through their car. You can’t say they didn’t deserve it.

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