Mom was struggling with 2 boys on flight, then this stranger stepped in to help

Mom was struggling with 2 boys on flight, then this stranger stepped in to help

Taking a screaming child on an airplane is one of those moments we all dread. However, we were all misbehaving children at one time or another, so no blame should ever be put onto the parent, or the child for that matter. Instead, we should be patient, empathize with their struggle, or even ask if they need any help.

[post_page_title]Flying with children[/post_page_title]

Unless you’re one of those people who find flying a relaxing experience or you have the money to fly first-class, no plane journey is ever really going to be entirely enjoyable.

Flying with children

Flying with children can make the experience a whole lot harder too. Nonetheless, as a new parent, you’ve got to bite the bullet at some point.

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