Elderly man buys a VHS player online, writes a heartfelt ‘thank you’ letter to the seller

[post_page_title]Heartfelt letter[/post_page_title]

When sending the letter, Don had no idea just how many people it would touch. While he was hoping it would get in the hands of the stranger who sold him the VCR, it ended up actually reaching many more. Thanks to the VHS player’s seller, Matt Shoukry from St. Louis, Missouri, who shared the thank you letter on Reddit, the elderly customer and his gratefulness over a used VCR went viral, melting the hearts of thousands in the process.

The following letter, which was dated February 10, 2019, began with Don telling the seller why he needed a VHS player. He wrote, “I found many old VHS tapes recently and wanted to see what is on them and realized I had no player. So I went to eBay for the first time and discovered your offer.”

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