Genes run in the family, which is why some kids look exactly like their parents. When a celebrity has a child, we can’t help but try to see similarities and differences between them and their parents, however not all kids show the family resemblance. On the other hand, some celebrity children look so much like their parents that the resemblance is spookily uncanny. Some fans have even said that when they see their celebrity icons with their kids, it is like seeing double. We’ve collected together a few of the most famous celebs that look exactly like their kids.
[post_page_title]Gwyneth Paltrow and Blythe Danner[/post_page_title]
Who doesn’t envy Gwyneth Paltrow’s unique beauty? Well, if you ever questioned where she got her looks from, then look no further. Paltrow got her beauty from her mother, Blythe Danner.

Danner was also an actress, who has won a number of awards throughout her career. Paltrow had her mother as a role model, so no wonder she has become so successful herself.