Have you ever looked at photos of nature and thought to yourself, “I want to see that for myself?” It’s easy for us to forget about the beauty of nature when we spend so much of our lives toiling away at work, but breaking away to enjoy a hike can be important. Not only does it give us the chance to see more of the world, but it’s good for our health and fitness. Getting so much fresh air can never be a bad thing. If you live in the northeast of the USA, or you’re visiting the area on vacation, these are some of the hikes you might want to consider.

Cadillac Mountain (Maine)
Seeing the sunrise on Cadillac Mountain is an experience that everyone should be able to experience in their lifetime. Fortunately, you don’t have to leave ridiculously early in the morning if you want to see it. The mountain’s 1,500-foot elevation means it’s not too far to climb up in low light, although you should still give yourself more time than you think.
For anyone looking to climb the mountain during the day, the South Ridge Trail is worth a try. It’s one of the tougher routes to the peak, but also the prettiest. You’ll spend a lot of the hike shrouded in woodland or walking amongst flowers to remind you that you’re immersed in nature. Once you hit the top, you’ll have glacial lakes and extensive forests to remind you why the hike was worth it.
Mount Abraham (Vermont)
Things can get snowy in Vermont, and where better to appreciate the colder climate than atop one of the state’s best mountains? Mount Abraham stretches just over 4,000 feet in height, and there’s a lot to see from the peak. Killington Peak, the Adirondacks and the White Mountains are all visible from the summit, as well as on the way up.
You can reach the top fairly quickly, walking just a few miles northward, or you can go the long way around. This hiking trail stretches for 11 miles but takes you up to Mount Ellen too. Why not do both mountains in one go and have something to feel proud about afterward?
Cascade Mountain (New York)
Speaking of the Adirondacks, why not try Cascade Mountain. If you’re relatively inexperienced with hiking, this can be a great way to get started. It’s the easiest of the 46 mountains in the range that have peaks of over 4,000 feet, but its views are still just as beautiful. A relatively steady gradient gives you a more relaxing walk up to the top, and the journey covers an overall distance of fewer than five miles. Cascade Mountain is the best way to get a feel for hiking and see what you’re capable of doing next.

Mount Washington (New Hampshire)
Looking to challenge yourself? This hike isn’t for the fainthearted, but the views are beyond incredible. As the highest peak in the state of New England, you wouldn’t expect traversing Mount Washington to be easy, but you also have strong winds to contend with. Things can get pretty blustery on the way up, especially once you reach the peak.
A lot of people who go hiking here like to cover the Presidential Range on their travels, starting with Mount Madison, before moving on to Washington and ending with Mount Jackson. Although you’ll only want to do this if you have a lot of experience behind you, the sights are incomparable. You spend most of the hike above the treeline, so you can see the world around you stretch on for miles.
Going for a hike can be a great way to spend your time, whether you’re looking to busy yourself for a few hours or a few days. We’d all benefit from appreciating nature a little more, and this is the best way to do it.