Adopted girl born with no legs learns her older sister is an Olympic idol

Adopted girl born with no legs learns her older sister is an Olympic idol

We all have our idols. From a young age, we find someone to look up to, who motivates and inspires us to pursue a certain path and give it our all. We might even meet our idols at some point in our lives, and get the chance to tell them how much they inspired us. One woman, however, found out that she was closer to her personal hero than she could have ever believed.

[post_page_title]A difficult start[/post_page_title]

Jennifer Bricker, born October 1, 1987, was born without legs, and put up for adoption by her parents within hours of being born.

A difficult start

She was adopted by Sharon and Gerald Bricker, a couple from Illinois. The Brickers were loving parents to Jennifer, and she grew up happy in a supportive household.

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