Getting a tattoo is probably among the biggest decisions of your life. A tattoo is something that is permanently etched on to your skin, and something that you will be carrying around for the rest of your life. We have all seen people end up with some very unpleasant looking tattoos. One of the reasons for this is that most people get a tattoo on an impulse. They don’t pause to think that a tattoo is a permanent marker on your body and that it is better to think about it first.
When you get a tattoo after carefully planning and choosing a design that is close to your heart, it can be one of the best decisions that you have made. If you are planning on getting a tattoo, here are four things that you should know beforehand.
Research to find the best tattoo artists
Tattoos are a work of art. Each one has to be done carefully and with precise attention to detail otherwise it ends up looking nothing like what you want. Once you have come up with a proper design, the next step is to find a tattoo artist who is known for his or her work. Talk with others who have had tattoos, check for ratings and reviews, and get your tattoo done by someone who is highly experienced in this field.

Don’t think about going cheap
There are two kinds of tattoo studios: the cheap places and the expensive places. While it is natural to go for cheap places, you need to stop for a moment. Tattoos should be done only in hygienic parlors where they use sterilized instruments. Get your tattoo done in a parlor that has all the required facilities, is certified, and is very hygienic. Lack of hygiene can result in infections.
Check to see if you are allergic to the tattoo ink
One of the most important things to take note of before you proceed with getting a tattoo is whether you happen to be allergic to any of the dyes used in the tattoo ink. If you are allergic to hair dyes, you are probably allergic to tattoo dyes as well. The best way to find this out is to tattoo a small patch of skin on your hand and wait for at least 12 hours. Within this time if you are not showing any signs of allergy then this means you are good to go.

Communicate with your tattoo artist
Even if you have a design in mind, the actual tattoo may not look anything like what you had planned. Most of the time, this happens because of a lack of communication between the customer and the tattoo artist. To get a tattoo that exactly matches you want, you have to be precise with how you explain the details. Explain which colors you would like where, and how you would like the end result to appear. The more information you provide, the more a tattoo artist will be able to bring out the details and make it closer to the design you have in mind.