It’s estimated that around 60% of the population will need some sort of vision correction at some point in their lives, and the vast majority of this visual medical aid will be in the form of spectacles.
Although visual impairment is a totally common problem to encounter, it can actually be rather hard to realize that you may need glasses. Eyesight quality comes on a broad spectrum of mild to severe impairment, so sometimes it can take a while to notice your eyesight is not what it used to be.
Here are some key signs that you should be keeping an eye out for. These clues will be telling you you need to invest in some spectacles. Listen up.

Blurred vision
Perhaps the most obvious indication will be the standard of your vision itself. Is it blurry? Does your eyesight diminish when looking at something long-distance (nearsightedness)? Or perhaps looking at something up close goes all blurry (farsightedness)? Other types of impairments may have other effects on the quality of your sight, like double vision or wavy vision.
Another major sign of visual impairment is headaches. Of course we get headaches for a whole host of reasons, but consistent and persistent headaches specifically located behind the eyes could be telling you you need glasses. Always take notice of the pattern of your headaches.
Problems with light exposure
Our eyes are extremely sensitive to the light, but some are even more so than others. Do you feel as though your eyes are taking longer to adjust to bright lights? Or perhaps your eyesight at night is worsening?
Eye straining
The most common cause of eye-pain is straining, with the muscles in your eyes being made to work extra hard. If you feel your eyes are straining too hard when either writing, driving or using your phone, then your eyes are probably building up pressure and suffering from fatigue.
Difficulty using the computing
Finding it hard to look at a computer is a key sign your eyes are struggling when they shouldn’t be. A lot of our daily jobs will consist of staring at a screen all day, so it is vital that you do something about it if your eyes are straining through the pain. This also applies to reading and writing too. Blurriness, pain or discomfort during any form of close up concentration is a clear sign you may need glasses.

So what should you do now?
If you can put a tick next to a lot of these signs, then we recommend you book an appointment at your local eye doctor for a check-up. Whether your symptoms are mild or severe, always take precautions by visiting an expert. As we’ve already mentioned, at some point in our lives, most of us are going to need glasses, so if you’re noticing some of these symptoms, then stop struggling today!
How could you help yourself?
1. Put down your phone and turn off your computer. Take breaks from screen time whenever you can.
2. Keep hydrated by drinking plenty of water. At least 2 liters a day.
3. Keep the brightness of the lights in your home to a minimum.
4. Improve the air quality in your home. If you’re a smoker, quit. If your house is too dry, get a humidifier.
Hopefully, these tips will help you decide if you need glasses. It’s always best to go and get your eyes tested by a professional anyway, so that should be your next stop!