New seasons can be a time for new changes. While many of us find a skincare routine and stick to it, there are many reasons that we should change it up with the change of weather. Thankfully, these summer skin care tips might help to keep us protected from the hotter days.
Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize
All that extra sun can have a lot of effects on our skin. Sure, some of us love that sun-kissed look, but it could have some significant impacts in the long run. One of the many? Dry and dehydrated skin. It’s essential to use a moisturizer on your skin that will last throughout the day to help make sure that it doesn’t become dry and irritated. Plus, using a moisturizer with an SPF will defend your skin from the sun’s ray.
Protect your lips
So, we’ve got our skin covered, but we need to add a little more protection before we’re ready to head out. That’s right; we’re talking about our lips. Many chapsticks come with an SPF to help prevent your lips from getting burned while the moisturizing properties will fight off any dehydration that might be caused by the sun or the warm weather. All you need to do is apply a little throughout the day as you need it.

Cool down
Many of us would do anything to try and cool down throughout the summer. Taking a refreshing shower can help to bring our core temperature back down a few degrees, but we might not always have time to head to the bathroom. Thankfully, there are many spray mists that we can keep in our purse to make sure that we’re never too hot throughout the day.
Use a medicated body wash
Warmer weather usually means one thing: we sweat more. This is no bad thing as it’s our body’s way of keeping us cool, but it might lead to breakouts over our body as a result of the extra dirt and oil on our skin. Thankfully, there are many medicated body washes on the market that help to make sure we don’t have any breakouts on our skin.
Keep your head safe
There are many ways that we can keep the tops of our head safe from the sun. There are many spray sunblocks designed for our hair that will protect our sensitive skin. If this isn’t your thing or you want to make sure that you’re extra covered, then large hats could become your best friend. They will keep your head covered as well as helping to protect the back of your neck and shoulders, too.

Smooth your hands
Summer can have an effect on our entire body. As if that wasn’t enough, the warmth can see many of us heading out and enjoying ourselves with hobbies such as gardening of days out like trips to the beach. These can all cause our skin to dry out even further. Thankfully, buying a hand cream that we can keep in our purse means we can help to keep our skin feeling soft and supple all day long.
With summer just around the corner, it might be time to start thinking up ways that we can improve our summer skin care as we help our bodies to adjust to the heat while still keeping our skin as lush and healthy as possible.